Changes in Artistic Periods

Many things during the Renaissance changed. One of the largest was art. The wealthy patrons of the Renaissance were the ones that caused the change because they wanted the best art and the best reflection of society. Society was growing smarter and advancing. The everyday people began to read and write. The artists tried to show the new prospective on everything. They showed the idealities being made for ancient philosopher and artists. Inner beauty and self expression was showed in the paintings as well, the Mona Lisa is a great demonstration of that. Depth prospective was another large change in the styles. Worldly experience was a huge change. The people wanted to know what happened and what was happening in other cities and countries. The Medic family of Florence, the Sforza family of Milan, Pope Leo X, and Pope Julius II were some of the people and families that pushed the artists to the max. They helped the artists of this times period to create works of incomparable beauty and detail. They gave money and materials to artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael that created artistic projects that were long known to be classical perfection.