Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. His father was a twenty five year old notary named, Ser Piero and his mother was a peasant girl named Caterina. His mother left them at a young age and married another man. Since Leonardo grew up with only his father, he gained access to scholarly texts owned by his family and friends. At the age of fifteen his father apprenticed him to the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. His first big break was to paint an angel in Verrocchio’s “Baptism of Christ”. Not only was Leonardo skilled in painting, but also he was skilled in anatomy, botany, sculpture, architecture, music, optics, and so much more. He was such a gifted human being, but he never realized his full potential, which explains why so many of his painting were left unfinished. He liked challenges and  “big bucks” so he entered the service of the Duke of Milan in 1482. Leonardo spent seventeen years there leaving only when the Duke of Milan fell out of power in 1499. During those years he reached new heights of his scientific and artistic achievements. Duke Ludovico Sforza kept Leonardo busy sculpting and designing elaborate court festivals. He also put him to work designing weapons, buildings, and machinery. Da Vinic’s most famous painting is Mona Lisa, which he started painting in 1503 during the Italian Renaissance.  During those seventeen years Leonardo only completed six paintings. Two of them were, “The Last Supper” and “The Virgin on the Rocks”. Between 1490 and 1495 he began recording his scientific studies in a series of notebooks.  His work covered four main themes. They were, painting, architecture, the elements of mechanics, and human anatomy. His father passed away on July 9, 1504, but Leonardo was deprived of any inheritance because of his many half brothers and half sisters.  Shortly after his uncle passed away Leonardo got his uncle’s land and money.  From 1513 to 1516 he worked in Rome maintaining a workshop and completing projects for the Pope. Even though he suffered from paralysis in the right hand, he still continued to draw and teach. Leonardo Da Vinci died on May 2, 1519 in Cloux, France. “Legend has it that King Francis was at his side when he died, cradling Leonardo’s head in his arms.” Leonardo was the most famous artists and scholar during the Renaissance period.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is an enigmatic florentine woman who inhabits the haunting mountainous landscape. It is also known as "La Gioconda" or "La Jaconde". "The veiled ambiguity of her smile gives the painting its appeal.". Da Vinci started painting Mona Lisa in 1503 during the Italian Renaissance. The painting was named for Lisa Del Giocondo, a member of the Gherendini family.

The Last Supper

The last supper is also called the mystical supper. It represents a scene from Jesus’ final days. In this scene Jesus announced that one of his twelve apostles would betray him. Leonardo began painting this is 1495 and finished in 1498 in Milan, Italy. A 15th century mural painting created for Duke Ludovico Sforza and his duchess. This painting covers the back wall in the dining hall at Santa Maria delle Grazie. We know this painting was done in the Renaissance time period because of the style. The faces of the people do not have much detail. The clothes do not have much detail either. You can see depth in this painting. We know that is high Renaissance work. This painting reflects the society's Christianity and religious beliefs.

Virgin of the Rocks

Also known as “Madonna of the Rocks”. There are two versions of this painting. One is found in Louvre, Paris, and the other is found in National Gallery, London. The picture shown here is the one at National Gallery, London. This picture was painted during 1495 to 1508 on Milan. This painting is considered High Renaissance because the faces and clothes of the people are not detailed. The painting of is haves depth. That is a new style of Renaissance. This reflects society because it shows a change in the way woman were perceived and it had children in the painting which demonstrates rebirth which is the meaning of Renaissance.